When choosing which affiiliate to advertise on your site read the terms and conditions, if they pay by cheque what currency do they draw it in and does your bank charge for cashing foreign cheques. If bank transfer how often do they pay, most pay monthly. Alot of affiliates only pay out a minium for example when your account reaches £50
When choosing Affiliate products it is important that you choose products that your readers will be interested in, so if your site has a particular niche then choose products to advertise that are associated with your website content other wise you wont get many readers clicking on the affiliate links.
As well as searching out affiliate programs yourself you could join affiliate networks like bidvertiser and google adsense. This is good option when affiliate marketing because it means you can launch many affiliate campaigns from one account making your minimum payout easier to reach and also manage them all in one account.
Commission Junction Affiliate Network
Probably the most popular affiliate network, Commission Junction also has its share of critics. Finding and joining an appropriate affiliate program is easy. CJ also makes things easy for affiliates by consolidating all payouts into one check. It displays EPC (which to CJ rather oddly means "earnings per 100 clicks", not earnings per click). CJ is owned by ValueClick, which merged with Be Free.
LinkShare Affiliate Network
LinkShare has more than 600 merchants in its affiliate network. Choose from categories such as books, music, flowers, fashion, computers, etc. You'll find some big name companies here, including Dell, Nordstrom, Target, Disney and American Express.
ClickBank Affiliate Network
Offers a huge array of downloadable products, mainly ebooks. Because it is cheap and easy for merchants to join, the quality of the products provided varies enormously, from very good to downright awful. It's a popular place to search for overlooked niches.
Performics Affiliate Network
Highly professional site with some well known brands. Performics' clients include: America Online, Blair Corp., Bose, CompUSA, Eddie Bauer, HP Shopping, Kohl's, L.L.Bean, PC Connection, RedEnvelope, Verizon Wireless, and more than 200 others. Performics is owned by DoubleClick.